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Resources & Research

2024 Annual Report

As we reflect on the challenges and triumphs of this election year, I am honored to share Mi Familia Vota's 2024 Impact Report. This report showcases the remarkable work we accomplished together to empower the Latino community, strengthen civic participation, and protect the foundation of our democracy.

The achievements outlined in this report—reaching voters, mobilizing communities, and expanding access to civic engagement—are a testament to the power of strategic investments and collective action. But the fight for a stronger, more inclusive democracy is far from over. The challenges we face demand that we double down on our efforts to defend voting rights, increase representation, and ensure every voice is heard.

Together, we are building a better tomorrow—one where our communities are seen, valued, and empowered to lead.

2024 Annual Report - National

The Power of Latinos in American Democracy:

Best Practices and Innovations for Overcoming Inequities in Latino Civic Engagement

 Latinos have historically faced numerous barriers to full civic participation, yet their influence in shaping American democracy is undeniable. Our report sheds light on these systemic obstacles and highlights the best practices and innovations that are transforming Latino civic engagement. This topic is particularly relevant as the Latino vote is set to be a decisive factor in the upcoming 2024 election.


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