Yhoselyn Andrade
Yhoselyn Andrade was born in the city of La Victoria, Venezuela. Since a young girl, she entered the world of the arts and started practicing ballet and singing. She came to the United States when she was 16 years old, and learned English with the help and effort of her mother. She went on to pursue her passion for cooking by studying culinary arts at Le Cordon Bleu, in the city of Orlando. Now, she combines this hobby with her dedication to work with the immigrant community through Mi Familia Vota. She began working with the organization to develop her awareness about the empowerment of the Latino community in the U.S.
Yhoselyn began doing voter registration in the city of Orlando, which allowed her to lead a team of canvassers in the field, registering and motivating the political engagement participation of Latinos through voting. She was the Coordinator in Phoenix, Arizona during the election campaign and She now lives in Orlando, Florida and works as Coordinator to build political power in her surrounding community.