Mi Familia Vota Denounces Proposed Changes to Asylum and Immigration Enforcement in Supplemental Aid Negotiations
Press Release
March 20, 2024
We Cannot Credibly Defend Democracy Abroad While Taking Away Liberties At Home
For Immediate Release
Press Contact: Kristian Ramos, KristianR@mifamiliavota.org
Washington D.C. – Héctor Sánchez Barba, CEO and President of Mi Familia Vota released the following statement expressing deep concern regarding reported proposals to make dramatic changes to our immigration laws in order to secure the passage of a supplemental foreign aid package.
“Mi Familia Vota strongly supports defending democracy at home and abroad. Doing so is core to our work in the Latino community.
We do not believe that we can be true to this mission at the expense of taking liberties away from immigrant communities that contribute so much to our economy and society. We cannot credibly defend democracy while taking away the rights of those seeking asylum who are looking for help and who want to contribute to our great country.
We want a well-managed border but are deeply alarmed by recent reports that indicate that Congress may be expanding the ability to carry out rapid deportations in the United States and significantly restricting the ability to access asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Giving in to the demands of MAGA extremists in Congress would be a disaster for our communities. What they are proposing is counter to everything good about our country.”
About Mi Familia Vota: Mi Familia Vota is a national civic engagement organization that unites Latino, immigrant, and allied communities to promote social and economic justice through citizenship workshops, voter registration, and voter participation. Mi Familia Vota operates in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Texas.